If you’re a big twitter fan, like I am, you’ll know that saving space is always a good thing. One or two characters saved can make all the difference to whether you can say everything you want to say without … Continue reading
Earlier this week, Pink News reported that two men had been arrested for having sex in a London gym. This got me thinking: was it right that they were arrested? Should the gym have phoned the police? Should they have … Continue reading
This will be of interest to you if you use an iPhone or iPod with iBooks and any app which puts a bar at the top – I think that would be tethering or anything that uses a mic in … Continue reading
I work around Oxford Street/Fitzrovia area, so I’ve focussed on the places which are tasty, cheap and quick to walk to from the office. I guess Pret and Eat are obvious choices, but I’m a bit bored of them. I … Continue reading
A few days ago, @adebradley posed a question on twitter: he wondered what people aim to get out of a twitterstorm. The point being: is creating a kerfuffle on twitter simply preaching to the converted, as they furiously retweet?