See the photos of maths teacher Pietro Boselli, who is also European Fitness Model Champion for 2014. Continue reading
Sex toy retailer makes a replica Game of Thrones throne using 200 dildos Continue reading
Elliot Herman went to visit Rocket, nestled among a tranche of chain restaurants in London’s Kingsway, to see if it could offer something different Continue reading
People living in the London boroughs of Lambeth and Southwark can get themselves checked for the four most common STIs using a new postal testing kit Continue reading
Get a great haircut for a bargain price, with your money going to increase HIV awareness. Continue reading
Dolce & Gabbana cause even more controversy, describing Elton as a fascist for calling for a boycott of the pair’s clothes Continue reading
Despite lifting of ban on LGBT organisations taking part, just one group has officially registered. Continue reading
Lend Lease encourages its builders to wear rainbow laces in support against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia Continue reading
Despite being tortured and almost forced to marry, the family of an 18 year old man receive fines of less than £1,000 Continue reading
Your smartphone can already help improve your sex life – you just might not know it Continue reading